After following installation instruction qmail on debian distribution we got some problem for changing password email from user web interface, that time we use squirrelmail interface. Passes until 2 hours to found out which change password plugin match with our system, but no one is exactly nice fot us, so we pick a one plugin and do more reading.... :D (we pick ch_pass plugin)
Downloading ch_pass plugin from here and extract this plugin at /var/www/squirrelmail/plugins ditectory (in my debian system) and now
and activate the ch_pass plugin. Now we need installing courierpassd package for supporting ch_pass plugin:
#apt-get install courierpassd
# vim /etc/inetd.conf inserting this line
courierpassd stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/courierpassd -s imap
#vim /etc/services change line
poppassd 106/tcp # Eudora
poppassd 106/udp
courierpassd 106/tcp # Eudora
courierpassd 106/udp
# ps ax |grep -i inetd| grep '?'
32548 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd
# kill -9 32548; /usr/sbin/inetd
And all done, now we can try it
# telnet localhost 106
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
200 courierpassd v1.1.2 hello, who are you?
200 Your password please.
pass youroldpassword
200 Your new password please.
newpass yournewpassword
200 Password changed, thank-you.
200 Bye.
Connection closed by foreign host.
This show us if our courierpassd insatallation is ok.
1 comment:
Be careful not to have your system compromised this way. Courierpassd listens on all interfaces this way and not only on localhost. Use xinetd and restrict it or have a firewall rule always present.
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